Cross Country Parent Meeting Reminder
Update: Click here for handouts from the parent’s meeting From Tom Boldon email: Hello Runners, Parents, Coaches, Please don’t forget that we have a Sheldon Cross Country Parent’s Meeting tomorrow
Update: Click here for handouts from the parent’s meeting From Tom Boldon email: Hello Runners, Parents, Coaches, Please don’t forget that we have a Sheldon Cross Country Parent’s Meeting tomorrow
Below are the latest Instagram pictures from SHELDONTFXC: [yinstagram] Popular hashtags #sheldontf and #sheldonxc on Instagram: [yinstagram hashtags=”#sheldontf, #sheldonxc”]
Meet schedule online Meet schedule in PDF: 2014MeetSchedule.pdf Aug 18- Sept 5 Calendar in PDF: SheldonXCCalendarAugSept14.pdf ***Click here for info about the parent’s meeting Sept 2 at 5:30pm*** (click above