Sheldon XC Revised Summer Schedule

Hi all,
Due to work and family conflicts the Sheldon XC coaching staff needs to adjust our summer schedule.
Now posted on our website:
Please help us spread the word as well-
***Also if you wish to be removed from the list due to son/daughter not participating please let us know-
Week: July 3-7
No practice July 3, 4, 5
July 6:  5:30 at Alton Baker
July 7:  4:30 at Sheldon Track
Week: July 10-14
July 10: 6:00 at Alton Baker
July 116:00 at Alton Baker
July 136:00 at Sheldon Track
Week: July 17-21
July 17: 6:00 at Alton Baker
July 186:00 at Alton Baker
July 206:00 at Sheldon Track
Week: July 24-28-Dead week; no contact with coaches
Week: July 31-August 4
July 31: 6:00 at Alton Baker
August 16:00 at Alton Baker
August 36:00 at Sheldon Track
Week: August7-11
August 7: 6:00 at Alton Baker
August 86:00 at Alton Baker
August 106:00 at Sheldon Track
August 14:  XC Camp & Fall sports officially begin-more details to come

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