2016 Shamrock MSXC

Shamrock MSXC season goals and basic information:
Welcome to cross country!  Joining the Shamrock Middle School Cross Country (MSXC) Club is a great way to gain fitness, learn about a life-long way to maintain fitness, make new friends and have lots of fun.  This fall will be our 4th season.  It’s always a great day to be a runner!

    Shamrock club will officialy “run” from August 15th-late October.
    Summer practices (beginning August 15th) will meet at Alton Baker park OR Sheldon HS- watch email for exact practice location
    Once school starts: Practices will generally be on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4:00-5:15 pm, meeting at Sheldon HS track and training on the trails on Sheldon campus.
    ** Practices will not conflict with Sheldon HS meets- You will get advance notice by email if practice days change.
    Complete calendar of meets and practices will be given closer to September.

A bit about the goals and training philosophy for the middle school age group:

    Gain Basic knowledge of cross country, training principles, meet procedures, types of workouts, safety while running , trail/ street etiquette
    Fundamentals/Foundation building.  This program will build a foundation for high school.  We help the kids gain knowledge and experience but keep the volume low- we know lots of kids are playing other sports too and that is great- activity is great!  XC is a great compliment to other sports and it’s great to be a well-rounded athlete.  Hopefully they learn to enjoy and respect the sport of cross country (and track in the spring) and become participants and fans for years!
    Training based on minutes and “perceived effort” so workouts can be catered to all levels of experience.
    Team and individual roles- how to be a good teammate and take care of yourself and others
    Learn from Sheldon High School Cross country team- our schedule will never conflict with Sheldon XC meets and as often as possible we will have our team run in the MS division races at the same meets as Sheldon.

5-6 Races for middle school teams only.  Races are usually 3000 meters (1.8 miles) Schedule pending but usually Saturdays.  We will race on same day and location as a few of the Sheldon HS meets- when MS races are available.

Volunteer coaches: Jill Mestler, Jesica Mazziotti and Renee Buchanan.  We have many years experience and each have kids on the MS and HS teams- feel free to call or stay and talk with us at any practice and we are happy to provide more info.

Fee is $80 and waiver must be signed.  The Club fee covers t-shirt for each athlete, meet entries, treats for the kids at some practices and meets.  Any proceeds will be donated to Sheldon program and trail maintenance.  You can download the waiver form here

Registration begins end of July. Thank you!

Head coach contact : Jill Mestler / 541.221.2929/ [email protected]

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