2016 Sheldon Track & Field News

Hello Track & Field Families-

The season is quickly approaching and I wanted to share a few reminders and updates:

  •  Spring Registration is Monday February 22nd in the Sheldon Cafeteria;  3:30 to 7:00-See Sheldon Athletic website for necessary forms to complete
  • I will hold a parent meeting on that day at 6:00 pm in the Cafeteria; I strongly encourage you to attend to hear about the upcoming season and team expectations
  • Important: All students need to pass 4 classes this term to be eligible and also need to be enrolled in 4 classes spring term
  • All students need a current physical on file at the school in order to participate; I recommend to check this out early and get an appointment scheduled now with your doctor if needed
  • If you know of other families intending on being part of the track team please feel free to share this information; always a challenge getting the word out to all new families


Other News:

  • The season officially begins Monday February 29th after school 3:45 at the track.
  • If you have “used” spikes or track shoes that no longer fit I have a shoe rack in my storage area for kids to use/borrow-a great way help others!
  • New 2016 T & F gear coming soon-order forms and samples available at parent meeting
  • If you wish to be removed from the email list please let me know


Team Fundraisers:

  • We will host the 39th Annual “Run for the Shamrock” on Saturday March 12th at 9:30; it is a 5K/10K community Run & Walk starting at Alton Baker Park-Athletes will be asked to volunteer at the event as well as recruit runners and walkers to participate at the event. Registration is available at the Eugene Running Co., Shamrock Flowers and Gifts and online at www.eclectricedgeracing.com


  • Fundraising Letter Campaign-Athletes will be asked to send a note to a friend or family member asking for their support of the track and field program. More information to come.

 Remember to allways check SheldonTFXC.org for the latest info.

Thank you and Go IRISH!

Coach Erin.

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