Shamrock XC MSXC this week 8/24

Hi All,
We have only had a week of practice so kids are still more than welcome to join!
Wow- what a great first week!  Thank you for all the support and bringing the kids!  We have around 45 kids so far and that number is welcome to grow too 🙂
Practice this week:
  • Tuesday9:00 am @SHELDON (meet at track, run on trails at Sheldon)
  • Thursday9:00am @Alton Baker
  • Friday9:00 am @ SHELDON… but let me know how many kids have schedule (WEB crew?) or other conflicts.
I will send out RACE SCHEDULE tomorrow, but a few dates to note so far…:
  • We will have a PRACTICE meet (with just our team and maybe the Oakhill school team) for kids to have a little time trial sometime soon… either Monday August 31st OR Saturday Sept. 5th. (I know it is Labor Day weekend so aiming for the 31st!!)
  • SaturdaySept. 12th– there is an “open” 3K race (open means anyone can run in it) up in ,Monmouth @ the Western Oregon univ. campus.  this race is right before the Sheldon team races up there.  There is a middle school only race the day before, but that does not work for our schedule (school) so it will be an option to have all our kids compete along with the “open” field (but NOT high school or college kids in their race, just other random adults 🙂
  • TUESDAY September 15th @ Oakhill school- this is right next to Lane community college campus in Eugene.  girls race at 5:00pm and boys at 5:30pm.  Jesica and I met with the coach and previewed the course today.  This will be a middle school only race and they are really happy to host us and make it really fun for the kids.  The coach even moved the race time to later in the day to accommodate the kids to have time to get out of school and get rides out to the meet.
  • * VERY optional meet- Saturday September 26th– there is a huge middle school meet up in Portland as part of the Nike pre-national meet.  Middle school races at 8:00 am and 8:30 am so very, very inconvenient.  I only mention this meet incase anyone wants to make this work- my family will likely be in Portland that day so I could be at the meet. just letting you know since it is a neat meet.
  • Saturday, October 3rd– @ Harrier classic meet in Albany. Noonish.   Great meet, middle school only race (did this meet last year)
  • Saturday, October 17th– @ Cottage Grove HS 3K.  Early morning start. We did this meet last year too and kids loved it.  *** Emerald Valley TC is also planning a meet in Eugene for this day but we are hoping to work with them on the date so our team and other teams can run in their meet.
 I WILL BE ADDING AT LEAST 2 MORE MEETS TO THIS SCHEDULE- for sure one in Alton Baker even if it just our team and a few more from the area.
More to come….
October 24th OR 25th we will have a meet…

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