State Meet Sat. Nov. 5th @LCC -Girls @ 2:25pm, Boys @ 3:00pm, XC Banquet Tue. Nov 15th

Hello XC Families,

We are so proud of all the kids that competed at the District meet last week at LCC! Thanks to all the parents & families that supported our team.

Our girl’s team won districts and boys placed 2nd, both earning trips to the State meet on Saturday November 5th at LCC-The girl’s race at 2:25 & boys at 3:00.  (FYI: there is an admission fee)

The entire XC team is invited to the end of the year banquet on Tuesday November 15th at 6:30 in the Sheldon Cafeteria. The banquet is a time to honor all the kids for their efforts throughout the season.

  • We ask you to bring a snack, dessert, finger foods to share with the group.
  • If you have not returned your uniform please do so at the banquet.
  • If you cannot attend the banquet please let me know.

Thanks again for a great season!!

Brayce & Erin

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