Cross Country Training

To the athletes who attended the first two weeks of practices at Alton Baker Park, please know that your coaches were proud of you for respecting the guidelines and for being patient with our process of screening. We’re sad to report that we’re not able to continue holding in-person practices this week due to 4J’s policies. We will begin in-person practices again as soon as 4J allows it. Please see the 2020 XC Updates page for more information about this.

Despite the setback of not holding in-person practices this week, we’ll continue to post workouts throughout the summer.

For athletes who are new to the program or who haven’t run consistently in the last several months, please follow our two week on-boarding plan. Following this plan will help minimize any risks of injury as you begin training.

Athletes who have been running with some consistency may choose to follow our general training plan which will be updated weekly. Each athlete should check with the coaches if they have questions about what amount of training is appropriate for them. Please feel free to reach out to Ian directly at [email protected] or by text at (650)8045481 if you have questions about how this training plan applies to you individually.

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