From Coach Erin Regali: Icebreaker meet Wed (Mar 11), Run for the Shamrock on Sat (Mar 14)

Update: The Inter-Squad Meet on Wednesday will begin 4:15
Also this week Thursday and Friday there is no school, but we will practice at the Normal time 3:45


Track & Field Families-

We had a fantastic first week of the T & F Season! The kids worked very hard and seemed very enthusiastic. Currently we have around 150 kids on the team and seems to growing each day! Here are a few reminders of what is ahead and how to stay informed.


1. Team Website:


2. Sheldon Icebreaker-we will be hosting an “informal” intersquad meet at Sheldon Wednesday March 11th, the meet will be an opportunity for athletes to officially try events and also get an official time or mark. We will be having the 90 Low Hurdles, 100 meters, 1500 meters and 400 meters. In the field we will be contesting the long jump and high jump, as well as all 3 throwing events.

If you are interested in volunteering to time, rake pits, measure distances please email as soon as possible. Erin Regali: [email protected]


3. Fundraising-This is a BIG week for the team! We primarily do 1 fundraiser each year-The 38th Annual Run for the Shamrock. The community 5k/10K run & walk is going to be held Saturday March 14th at Alton Baker Park at 9:30 a.m. Knowing that a Run may not be everyone, this year we created Donation letters that the athletes could address to potential supporters/Donors to be mailed out. Athletes are asked to help in one of the following ways:

  • Complete Donation letters and return to Erin Regali or
  • Recruit (5) Runners/Walkers for the Run for the Shamrock
  • Kids have the option of running or walking or volunteering-pick one

To sign up for the run you can do one of the following:

          a. Go to Eugene Running Company

          b. Go to Shamrock Flowers & Gifts

         c. Completed Applications to Coach Erin Regali

          d. Register Online:

All proceeds from the Donation letters and Shamrock Run benefit the Track & Field Program. The Fundraising event helps us with transportation, uniforms, equipment, team dinners, facility improvements & staffing.


If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me anytime.

Thanks for your support! Go Irish

Erin Regali                                                             

Sheldon Track & Field Head Coach


Send message to Coach Erin Regali

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