From Coach Regali: Info for March 7-12; Saturday is Run for the Shamrock

HI Track & Field Families-

We survived the first week of track practice! Each day the team is growing with participants, we are near 150 kids on the team!

Communication is very important…each day we meet and discuss process and expectations for them as student athletes. Lots of information below.

Here is a summary of important points:
The first 2 weeks of the season is our time when we push our fundraising. I would appreciate your help encouraging your son/daughter to do their part to support the team. They are asked to do the following.

Personalize the green letter to a friend/family member encouraging them to support the track team. Address the envelope and return to Coach Erin “unsealed” for me to mail. These were given out at parent meeting and individually to athletes.
Please return completed letters ASAP to coach Erin.
If you cannot do the fundraising letters, please return to Coach Erin & then athletes are asked to “recruit” (5) runners or walkers for our event this coming Saturday-Run for the Shamrock. The event is March 12th at 9:30 am. People can register for the run at Eugene Running Co., Shamrock Flowers & Gifts, online at Eclectic Edge Racing or return completed entries to coach Erin.

All athletes are expected to participate in the fundraising activities for our team.

  • Athletes will be asked to volunteer at the Run for the Shamrock on Saturday 3/12; the time commitment is 8:30 to 10:45
  • This week we will be doing an Inter Squad meet. On Wednesday 3/9 we will running the 100, 1500, 90H & 400, as well as throwing the shot & Discus. We will be doing the HJ & LJ on Thursday or Friday depending on weather. The purpose of the inter squad meet is to evaluate their training and use as a time trial for our first meet. We will plan to start at 4:15. Parents are welcome to watch. If you are interested in volunteering at the meet, please email Erin. ([email protected])
  • Uniforms will be handed out early next week before our first meet; if your son/daughter will miss the first meet (3/16) please let me know.
  • The end of the term is quickly approaching, Wednesday March 16th. Athletes must pass all (4) classes this term to eligible to participate. We have been stressing the importance of academics at practice.
  • Clothing orders-if interested in buying new T & F gear turn in clothing order this week to coach Erin, Wednesday please.Always check out our website for all team information: www.sheldontfxc.orgPlease feel free to ask questions;Thanks!

    Erin Regali
    Head Coach

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