From Coach Regali: Last home meet Wed (May 4) with farewell to seniors, JV district Fri (May 6)

Hello Track & Field Families,

We are in our final 2 weeks of the official season. Here is what is happening this week:

Wednesday: We have our last home meet with Thurston.
Dismissed at 2:00
Field: 3:30 & Running: 4:15

We will be honoring our seniors at 3:50 at the finish Line with a little Farwell ceremony. We ask all athletes come by and wish them well! We will serve cake too.

In track & field all athletes end with a District Championship meet.
This week coaches are determining entries for the Varsity district meet, in which we get 3 competitors in each event. The Varsity District meet is May 12 & 14 at South Medford High School. This meet is with the Southwest Conference schools.

Athletes not competing in the Varsity district meet will compete in the Junior Varsity district meet this Friday May 6th at Thurston HS.   This meet is with the local 6A schools, as well as the local 5A school; so a great meet. At this meet all freshman get the opportunity to compete against other freshman in the district.

All entries for both meets are due Thursday night, so more information to come.

Also you can mark your calendars for the end of the year Banquet May 25th in the Cafeteria. Thanks for all the great support all season! I cannot believe it is almost over-Go Irish!

Erin Regali, Head Coach

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