From Coach Regali: Pasta feed Tues (May 5), Marist meet Wed (May 6), Frosh/JV Districts Fri (May 8)

Hi Track & Field Families-

The final weeks of the season… and here is what is ahead:

Pasta Feed-Tuesday in Cafeteria @ 5:15
Freshman: Salad/Dressing or Fruit
Sophomores: Bread   &   Juniors: Dessert
Seniors: Drinks or any of the above

*A big thank you to Michelle Sunia & Patty Lehnert for planning, organizing and cooking all the great pasta feeds as well as all the Great volunteers that helped make them a success!!!

Wednesday: Meet at Marist (NE, Sheldon & Marist)
Field events: 3:45 & Running: 4:30
Students are excused from class at 1:50 and buses will leave at 2:15-There will be one bus returning to Sheldon

Friday: Freshman/JV Districts at Springfield High School
Excused: 11:50
Bus Leave: 12:30
Field Events begin: 2:00
Running events: 3:00
1 Bus will return to Sheldon
Click here for the Frosh/JV District schedule in PDF

Frosh/JV district meet update from Coach Regali:  Students are dismissed from class at 11:50 and we will bus over at 12:30; there will be 1 bus at the conclusion of the meet returning to Sheldon for kids who need a ride. 
Field: 2:00 & Running: 3:00
We will have some athlete refreshments at the meet, if you are interested in contributing the kids always love it! Items can be dropped at school at noon tomorrow.
We have approx. 90 kids participating tomorrow which is outstanding!!  I encourage all Varsity athletes competing next week to go to Silke and cheer on their team-
Go Irish!!

The coaching staff is in the process of determining who will be competing at the Varsity District meet and at the Frosh/JV meet. Any grade level can be Varsity in Track & Field, but you cannot compete in both meets.
Varsity Districts next week-May 14 & 16 @ Springfield HS-more details to come.

I want to thank all the wonderful families that have donated food and drinks for our athletes at our meets, it is greatly appreciated! The kids enjoy very much and so helpful for the coaching staff. If you are interested in contributing in any of our last track meet please let me know.

We will have an end of the year Banquet for the entire team, like the last week of May, the final date to come.

Thanks for all you do in supporting our team,

Go Irish!

Erin Regali

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