From the coaches for Sept 12-17: Pasta dinner at Girard’s Fri, Bus loads 9:30am Saturday for NW Classic

Good Morning,

Here are some updates on our XC Meet on Saturday:

Northwest Classic at Lane Community College
September 17th

Load Bus: 9:30
Bus Leave: 9:45

Race Schedule: (Entries will be posted today at practice)

12:20 JV Girls (Scored)
1:00 JV Boys (Scored)
1:40 Varsity Girls
2:20 Varsity Boys
3:00 JV Boys & Girls Open Race

**We will have a bus returning to Sheldon after last race
**We do encourage kids to stay for the day to support the team!!
**If you do plan to take your kids home, please check out with Coach Erin and PLEASE allow the kids to do a cool down after their race

Don’t forget Secret Pals!!

Team Pasta dinner Friday September 16th at the Girard’s Home-More info to come at practice

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