From Coach Regali: Pasta feed (Tues, Apr 7), Home meet vs. North Medford (Wed, Apr 8), and more…

**This post was updated April 7**

Track & Field Families,

We had a great meet against South on Friday, despite the weather both boys and girls defeated South, a great showing by the Irish. Thanks to the parents who helped at the meet, it is greatly appreciated.


Here is what is ahead for the week of April 6-11


1) Pasta Feed: Tuesday April 7th after practice-Athletes are asked to bring the following:

*Freshman: Green Salad/Dressing or Fruit

*Sophomore: Rolls or Garlic Bread

*Juniors: Dessert

*Seniors: Any of the following

Drinks and Pasta dinner will be provided


****UPDATE: Pasta Feed-Looking for volunteers for the dinner portion; 5:00-6:15 approximately***


2) Home meet on Wednesday with North Medford:

   *Athletes are excused after 4th Period

   *Field Events Begin at 3:30 & Running at 4:15

   *If you are interested in volunteering please email Erin

   * Click here for SheldonHomeMeetSchedule.pdf


3) This week we begin Hosting the Middle School meets at our track on Thursdays; we will have a short practice and then help run the MS Meet. Sheldon Athletes are asked to stay and help, meet begin at 4:45.


4) Aloha Invite on Saturday April 11th; the entries for this meet will be unique and communicated to athletes early this week. There are Varsity events and Freshman/Sophomore events; but not all athletes will be competing.


5) Remember to check out website: for team updates and for track and field results


6)  UPDATE:  Track & Field Clothing-If you have missed opportunities to buy gear for the season, I still have some limited items available-Email me to check sizes and availability and I will deliver to athlete.

  • Hooded & Crew Sweatshirts ($25/$20)
  • Sweatpants ($20)
  • Short & Long Sleeve cotton  ($5/$15)
  • Nike Grey Dri-Fit tops Short & Long tops ($20/$25)
  • Tights-Ladies Green Capri & Or Unisex Long tights ($30/$35)

Questions please feel free to contact me-


Erin Regali

Send message to Coach Erin Regali

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