Sheldon Athletic Auction-XC & Track teams need your help

Hello Track & XC Families!

The 6th Annual Sheldon Athletics Dinner and Auction will be held Thursday November 10th at Venue 252.

Both programs are supporting the Athletic Auction and encourage you join the fun! Last year’s auction the programs made money that help contribute to travel expenses, uniforms, equipment, & maintenance of our bark trail.

The Auction proceeds benefit the following:
  • 10% Sheldon Athletic Department
  • 20% Sheldon Facilities, Equipment and Safety Needs
  • 70% Divided among the participating athletic teams

This year’s oral auction with the “Raise the Paddle” will be for a new & improved track surface. In the summer of 2017 our track will be resurfaced and other potential site improvements. We are very excited for the improvements at our facility. This will be a great health benefit for all athletic programs, PE students and community to enjoy.

Here is how you can help:
  • Buy a ticket to attend the auction: $60.00 per ticket
  • Sponsor a table at $500.00 (each program needs a table; we need 1 more sponsor)
  • Help programs solicit Oral or Silent Auction Items-We need at least (2) Oral and up to 10 Silent auction items.
    Ideas: Weekend getaways, UO Tickets, Gift Certificates, Gift Baskets, Golf Packages and more-Any ideas welcome!

If you have anything you would like to contribute to the auction on behalf of the XC & Track & Field teams, please email Erin Regali ([email protected] )
Donation due by October 28th

To sign click here:

Venue 252
252 Lawrence Street
Eugene, Oregon 97401
Dress-Business Casual Attire

If you have any questions, please let us know-

Erin Regali

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