Sheldon XC Update 9-4-14: First meet is Friday, Sept 5 at Richardson Park/Fern Ridge

Hello again Runners, Parents and Coaches,
Here is some more information about our meet tomorrow, etc.
1.  Our first meet is tomorrow (Fri, Sept 5) at Richardson Park/Fern Ridge.  The students are dismissed from class at 1:00 pm, and need to load the buses in front of the school at 1:15 pm.
2.  Runners:  don’t forget your singlet (jersey top), race shoes, water bottle, green team t-shirt (we issued them out at the end of practice today and at the pasta dinner, and if you didn’t get yours yet, you will at the team bus load time), black shorts, secret pal gift, and anything else you might need.
3.  Even though we just drew names for Secret Pals, those who are participating will start for tomorrow’s meet.
4.  There is a $5 parking fee at Richardson Park, so please plan accordingly.  It might be fun to carpool with another family to save on costs.
5.  The Girls JV race is at 3:30 pm;  Boys JV at 4:10 pm;  Girls Varsity at 4:45 pm;  Boys Varsity at 5:15 pm.  Please note that the two latter times are 5 minutes later than previously scheduled.
6.  There will be a short awards ceremony right after the meet so please stay and cheer on the Irish.  The top 10 finishers in each race will receive a Dog Tag.  The top 2 JV teams and top 3 varsity teams will get a trophy.
7.  Everyone wear your Sheldon gear and cheer our runners on!  See you tomorrow!!!
8.  Don’t forget we have a Saturday morning practice at 8:30 am at Alton Baker Park too.

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