Update from Coach Tom Boldon: Secret pals, pasta dinner, uniforms

Hello Everyone!  Here is the latest update for Sheldon Cross Country:
1.  We currently have 88 students out for cross country at Sheldon (54 girls, 34 boys)
2.  At today’s practice we plan to issue uniform shorts ($20 cost) and team t-shirts ($5 cost).  Please try to send the money for these with your son/daughter to one of the next few practices.  If he/she already purchased the uniform shorts from a previous season and still has them, they won’t need to purchase another pair, unless they want a new pair.  If you’re writing a check, it needs to be written payable to “Sheldon Cross Country”.  We are also drawing for Secret Pals, for any of the students who want to participate.  Don’t forget to bring your sheet to practice tonight.  I’ve attached it here in case you didn’t get one.  Sheldon-XC-Secret-Pals.pdf
3.  We have our first team pasta dinner tonight from 6:00-8:00 pm at David & MIchelle Rosebrook’s  home.
4.  If you want to order cross country apparel, the first order is due Monday, September 8.  You should have received an order form in your parent packet at the parent meeting.  Please let us know if you haven’t received a packet yet.

I will be sending out another email tonight or tomorrow morning with more information about our Meet on Friday.

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