Week of Oct 24-29: Team dinner at Forrest’s Wednesday, District meet Thursday (load bus 11:30)

Good Morning XC Families!

We have reached the last final week of the season!
ALL athletes (V/JV) will compete in the XC District meet Thursday at LCC.
(Unless injured or other circumstances)

Schedule for the Week:
Wednesday: Team Dinner at the Forrest’s Home

Thursday: District Meet at LCC
Athletes Excused from class: 11:15 am
Load Bus: 11:30 (Bring Lunch)
Girls Varsity- 2:25
Boys Varsity-3:00
Girls JV- 3:35
Boys JV-4:05
1 Bus will return to Sheldon for kids needed a ride

Final Secret Pal-Your last chance to do something nice for your secret pal and wish them good luck & announce who you are!


The Top (3) Varsity teams will earn a ticket to State

Friday: Mandatory team meeting at 3:45 @ Track

We are in the process of confirming our Team Banquet date and will let you know asap. It will likely be the week of November 14th-

Always sad to see the season come to an end, always goes by so fast! We are excited to see all the kids compete Thursday & finish the season strongly. Thanks for your support!
GO Irish!!
Brayce, Erin, Jackson & Anne!

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