XC this week (Oct 19-24): Pasta feed Tues at Horn’s, District on Wed at Grants Pass, Participation Fee and Secret Pal reminders

Hello XC Families-

We have reached the final week of the XC regular season…so hard to believe. Thanks to all supportive families throughout the season!

Here are a few updates & important reminders:

  1. Participation fees: PLEASE make sure you have paid your $150.00 participation fee for XC-if you have not paid please do so with Julia in the Finance Office ASAP!
  1. Pasta Feed-Tuesday October 20th at Christian Horn’ s Home

Address: 2785 Wingate Street-Flyers will be at practice

***Please make sure you bring something for the dinner!!

  1. Secret Pals: This is the final week of Secret Pals-you will present your last gift and yourself to your Secret Pal. Please do not forget!!
  1. XC District Meet Wednesday October 21, 2015 in Grants Pass at Reinhart Volunteer Park/All-Sports Park

Reinhart Volunteer Park
1690 SW Webster Road
Grants Pass, OR

Load Bus: 8:30
Varsity Girls: 2:00
Varsity Boys: 2:45
JV Girls: 3:30
JV Boys: 4:15

  • Bring a Lunch
  • Bring money for dinner on way home if desired
  • If riding home with parent please notify Coach Erin
  • We are collecting (Dirty) uniforms at the meet, so bring a change of clothes.
  1. Thursday October 22nd-Mandatory Team meeting at 3:45 at track for everyone!
  2. The XC team will host an end of the year banquet in early November after State; more details to come.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us, looking forward to great District meet, Go Irish!!

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