XC this Week (Oct 5-Oct 10): Pasta at Webb’s Fri, George Fox Classic on Sat

Hi all,

Tomorrow there is no school at Sheldon, we will practice at 3:45 (normal time) due to coaches’ work schedules.

For our XC meet Saturday:

Willamette Mission State Park
11142 Wheatland Rd NE
Gervais, OR 97026

JV Girls 2:30
JV Boys 3:00
Varsity Girls 3:30
Varsity Boys 4:00

We will load bus at Sheldon at 11:00 am

There will be a bus returning to Sheldon.
If you plan to take your son/daughter home please let me know via email or at the meet.
(If you have not done so already.)

Pasta feed tomorrow at Jacob Webb’s home-flyers with directions at practice

Remember Secret pals gifts

Thanks, Erin

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