From Coach Regali for April 11-16: Tues pasta, Thurston at Sheldon Wed, Oregon Relays Fri & Sat

Hi Track & Field Families-

We had a great week of competition & weather last week for our team!
The team won the South Medford meet and the Boys won the BMW Invitational on Friday at Tigard High School.
Our girls Distance Medley Relay team set a new school record-Congrats to Melissa Berry, Erin Duncan, Jantzen Mazziotti & Caramia Mestler! (1200, 400, 800, 1600)

***There are some kids that still need to pay their fees or get ASB card-deadline 4/15/16

Here is what’s ahead for our team:
Tuesday-Team Pasta Dinner in Sheldon Cafeteria 5:30-7:00
PLEASE BRING THE FOLLOWING: (so we do not run out of food)
9th grade-salad/dressing or fruit
12th-Drinks or any of the above

Volunteers needed: Please contact Renell: [email protected]
Set up: 4:00 4-6 people
Serve: 5:00 6 people
Clean up: 6:00 2-4 people

Wednesday: Home Meet with Thurston HS
Athletes Excused at 2:00 from class
Field: 3:30 & Running: 4:15
Click here for the meet schedule
Track & Field clothing for sale at the meet!
Interested in volunteering: Please contact Erin: [email protected]

Thursday: Our team will host Monroe Middle School for a track meet
We will have a short practice and then provide volunteers.

Friday & Saturday: Oregon Relays at Hayward Field (Very limited entries)
More info to come.

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