From Coach Regali for April 4-8: Pasta on Tues, Pictures & Medford meet Wed, Tigard meet Fri

Hi Track & Field Families-

The team did a fantastic job at the Marist Classic with both the boys and girls teams winning the meet! Overall a great day of competition. I hope you got to see the Register Guard today.
A very busy week ahead:

1. Tuesday April 5th will be our first Team Pasta Dinner in the Cafeteria-The time will be around 5:30-6:30 or 7; athletes are asked to bring the following:

9th -Grade-Salad & Dressing or Fruit salad/plate
10th -Grade-Garlic Bread or bread of some sort
11th- -Grade-Dessert
Pasta dinner will be provided-

We need Parent volunteers: Suzie Johnson is coordinating overall event
4:00 Set up: we need 6 people for an hour or so to set up and prepare foods

5:00 Serve: we need 4 people to serve and replenish food
6:16-6:30 Clean up-We need 2-4 people

Please contact Renell ([email protected]) or Erin if you can volunteer: [email protected]

(I am in the process of transitioning duties on to Renell Brabham to assist me.

2. Wednesday:   Team Pictures & We travel to South Medford

Athletes will be dismissed from class at 10: 15
We will take team pictures at 10:30 (Pictures packets will be handed out at practice Monday)
We will load bus at 11:00 am & Leave at 11:15
Field events begin at 4:00 & Running Events at 4:30
We will return home after meet; a short stop for food. Bring $ for dinner
Athletes should bring a lunch to eat along the way
The weather should be very hot in Medford; we will provide snacks, water and Gatorade-
***If you would like to donate water, Gatorade or Snacks-Please let Erin Know
[email protected]

3. Thursday-We will have a short practice normal time & then we will host our first of (4) Middle School meets. Sheldon Athletes are asked to volunteer at the meet. We are responsible for the field events, hurdles, set up and clean up-I provide a BBQ snack for kids at the meet.

4. Friday Track Meet at Tigard High School-More info to Come-Limited to (3) per event. We will leave around 11:30.

5. We still have 2016 Track & Field Clothing for sale

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me-


Erin Regali
[email protected]

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